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Visiting Thailand as a first timer

Thailand Koh Samui as a first timer

Draw dropping memorable scenery.

A year ago since I went on holiday to a place Thailand Koh Samui as a first timer a little island off the coast.

It opened my eyes up to how super sweet a holiday can be, 100 percent going back next year!


The flights nowadays are stupidly cheap.

You can book a fligh on skyscanner flight to Thailand Koh Samui as a first timer. Flights can be found for around £290 (I know I was stunned at that price).

With them prices why would you not want to go to these tropical islands?!

Years ago the flight would have been a killer with no entertainment. Nowadays they flights are pretty cool, I flew with emirates and they have everything on board:

  • Free drinks
  • All the latest films (and decent classics)
  • Documentaries, tv series and all things box set
  • Music and I’m talking Bob Marley to the spice girls, they have it all
  • Actual decent plane food (I struggle usually with plane food)
  • And finally spacious leg room, you know how terrible flights can be when your cramped up and the guy in front puts his chair back!

My flight was roughly 17 hours and was broke up by 2 stops, Dubai and Bangkok. Now though you can get a flight there in 13 hours, quick! Then, boom your there in Thailand Koh Samui as a first timer.


Thailand Shopping

The locals are really good at replicating brands. You can pick up a make shift Nike t-shirt or a north face back pack for a very good price.

On a weekend you can find an array of market stalls with some real quirky items, perfect for gifts for the unlucky ones stuck in th U.K. haha.

You can pick up a tailored 3 piece suite for a very low price compared to the ones back home. They are actually very good quality and fit perfectly!

Mixed Views

I hear so many mixed views about Thailand Koh Samui as a first time round, don’t go there it’s dangerous, it is amazing go there, ahhhhh why is everyone telling you different things.

The truth is anywhere in the world can be dangerous. There is deaths in the U.K. all the time but you don’t emigrate because of it, like I won’t be avoiding a country because of it!

Let me tell you my view.

Thailand is an amazing place and has some of the finest beaches alongside sunsets in the world. The locals are polite and more than happy to help. Yes they do expect tips and your payment on their cheeky taxi prices (but don’t we all a little more).

The food is good and you can expect to find a tasty meal on the for roughly 25 baht (50p cheap!). Thai green curry let me tell you they are epic!


Thailand weather

I burned on the first day (haha).

Yes the weather is sweet, hot and tantastic.

At 10pm you can expect to still be sweating sat outside.  There is the pourdowns to expect now and again, not a problem though I see as a good cooldown!

Obviously Thailand has its rainy season but you can easily avoid that if it’s that much of an issue.


So if your thinking of visiting then I couldn’t recommend it any higher.

It is a fun, scenic and cultural place blessed with hot weather.

If your still pondering about going, drop me an email and I’ll try to answer any of your queries.

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