So, Is Bali Safe?
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Yes, Bali is a relatively safe destination for all types of visitors. The island is so well-travelled, and the people are so polite and helpful, that it’s one of the safest locations to travel in Southeast Asia.
And then there’s the fact that tons of people visit every year, but nobody ever goes back! What does that tell you?
There’s also the fact that it looks like a jungle when you fly in. How many jungles have you been in where you felt totally safe and chilled out? None? Maybe one? Yeah, I thought so.
But surprise! Turns out Bali is WAY safer than most places in America. It’s perfectly fine to take your kids to Bali—it’s actually less dangerous than taking them to California or New York City.
Tips for staying safe in Bali
- Don’t buy ivory. It’s illegal—and the police take it very seriously.
- No selfies with wild animals. We know how badly you want that photo of you petting an elephant, but it’s not worth it. The animal is probably drugged or otherwise mistreated in some way, so don’t do it.
- Don’t take photos of people without asking first. They may be of a different faith than you, and taking their photo without first asking could be seen as rude or offensive.
Here’s the thing: Bali is as safe as you make it. If you’re expecting to get kidnapped by a giant shark or have an army of monkeys attack you in the street, then I’m sorry to say that you are going to be very disappointed with your visit to Bali. BUT! If you’re looking for a safe place to swim, drink delicious wine, and enjoy some world-class food and culture, then Bali is absolutely the place for you.
I know what some of you might be thinking: “Bali?” Yes, Bali. A lot of people think of Indonesia as one big island, but really it’s made up of thousands of islands. While the capital city Jakarta is on Java (which is where the rest of Indonesia is), Bali is its own separate island. It’s got its own language, culture, and customs distinct from the rest of Indonesia.
Bali’s safety record has been pretty good over the years (although there are definitely exceptions—a bombing in 2002 resulted in 200 deaths). The island also has a fairly low crime rate
15 Tips For How To Stay When Staying In Bali
- Be alert of earthquakes; not only should you be aware of them, but you should also know what to do in the event of a tragedy. Quite a bit.
Volcanic eruptions and tsunamis are the same way — know your catastrophe drills, people.
Inform yourself about the current political scenario in indonesia — the country might be a political tinderbox. Keep up with what’s going on in the world. - Keep a watch on your belongings, particularly if you’re in a touristy area. This is where the majority of pickpocketing and bag snatching takes place.
- And don’t let your credit card out of your sight because it can be cloned. Keep it in a money belt with some cash in case of an emergency.
- There are a variety of false charity programmes – if an orphanage is frequently visited by visitors, it may be a fake. These are frequently scams designed to defraud you of your money. Do your homework.
- Drugs are to be avoided at all costs; if you are discovered with them, you could face serious consequences. Human trafficking is punishable by death.
- The cops can be forceful; they periodically conduct drug sweeps in reputable bars and clubs frequented by foreigners. They’ve also been known to dress up as traders and then carry out “Sting” operations, particularly in kuta.
- Be wary of counterfeit alcohol; people have died as a result of consuming methanol-contaminated alcohol. Be wary of alcohol that appears to be too good to be true.
- Some touts in high-traffic locations can be aggressive; but, if you don’t want anything, simply ignore them. That is the finest option.
- Other tourist-targeted frauds and schemes include overcharging and rigged money changers…
- Protect yourself from irritating mosquitoes, which aren’t just annoying; some carry dengue fever.
- Keep an eye out for street dogs — rabies is a possibility in bali, so be cautious who you pet.
- Monkeys aren’t exactly amusing; they’re rambunctious and may be rather aggressive. Some may even be infected with rabies. Don’t give in to their demands. If you’re bitten, such as in the monkey forest, get medical help at the nearest clinic.
- Rip tides and strong currents are perilous, so don’t swim against your better judgement. Don’t ignore the red flags, as they means danger!
- When visiting places like Nusa penida and uluwatu, be cautious around cliffs; people fall off them more frequently than you might imagine. When driving or taking photos near the edge, be cautious.
- When it comes to bali’s nightlife, stay vigilant, travel smartly, and be responsible, and you should be ok! Also, as always, make sure you have adequate travel insurance coverage in case something goes wrong.
Is public transportation in Bali safe?
The short answer is yes, public transportation is safe in Bali. It depends on where you’re going, when you’re going, etc. But the good news is that public transportation in Bali is actually much safer than many other countries!
Bali is a country full of beautiful beaches and exciting nightlife. It’s a popular tourist spot, and with tourists come tons of scams. For this reason, it’s important to be careful of your money and belongings when you’re out and about.
But one big thing to keep in mind about Bali is that the people are VERY friendly! This means that there are actually tons of people who will go out of their way to help you when you need it. For example, I was walking down the street and needed directions to my hotel (which was in another town). I asked someone on the street if they knew where my hotel was, and they walked me all the way there! And they wouldn’t even accept any money for it—they said they were just happy to help! So don’t be afraid to ask strangers for directions or recommendations if you get lost—chances are they’ll be more than willing to point you in the right direction.
Is Bali’s food safe to eat?
Is Bali’s food safe to eat? The short answer is: yes. The longer answer is: maybe.
There are a few obvious things to be aware of when it comes to eating and drinking in Bali. For example, don’t buy from street vendors—you never know what you’re going to get. And if you see a restaurant with flies, just walk away.
On the other hand, there are some things that aren’t as obviously dangerous, but can still cause some serious discomfort. For example, the coffee served in most restaurants and cafes throughout Bali is made using tap water instead of filtered water. This means that rather than enjoying a delicious brew, you’re probably going to be dealing with upset stomachs, diarrhea, and more.
It’s also important to remember that while most of the food in Bali is actually quite safe and healthy to eat, it doesn’t always taste good to a Western palate. We recommend trying out the local fare only if you have a strong stomach—if not, stick to something familiar from home or from another country instead!
Is it possible to drink the water in Bali?
No, no, and no. Even the locals do not drink the tap water.
Stick to bottled water, which is readily accessible almost everywhere on the island. Also, to reduce the amount of plastic waste, bring your own refillable bottle.
Is it safe to live in Bali?
A lot of people ask me this. It’s a fair question, given the recent reports of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the area.
And while I’m hesitant to offer up any definitive answers on this, I can say that it’s definitely one of the most beautiful, inspiring places I’ve ever been.
I traveled there last year, and it was a trip that changed my life. I met so many incredible people. The food was unbelievable. I got to spend a day at an elephant sanctuary, where these big gentle giants showered me with flower petals and snuggles and never-ending love. It was a day that still brings tears to my eyes when I think about it now.
The island is also incredibly diverse and rich in cultural experiences, from visiting temples and taking part in traditional ceremonies to joining locals for karaoke night or going on an adventure through the jungle or down a river or up a volcano or surfing—or all of the above!